Best Ten Things Happy Couples Do

Top 10 Things Happy Couples Do Only

Sharing a life together with your partner can be an equally fulfilling and challenging experience. A lot of couples in love end up separating or living an unhappy life, which proves it takes more than deep affection in a relationship to stay healthy and joyous.

1. They are best friends

Studies suggest that married people tend to be happier. A spouse can be a friend for life! In fact, married couples who also think of their partner as their best friend are reported as being nearly twice as satisfied with their relationships.

2. Respect each other’s space

Happy couples share incredible intimacy, but also know how not to overstep boundaries. Respecting your loved one’s space and giving them room to breathe is paramount for a joyful partnership. Feeling suffocated or trapped in a relationship is negative for both of you.

3. Have fun

Play pranks on each another. Life is hard and keeping a relationship robust and healthy takes work, but don’t take it all too seriously. The most happy couples are those that can shrug their shoulders and laugh at what life throws their way.

4. Enjoy at least one hobby together

While it’s great for each of you to have personal hobbies, it’s also essential that you guys find something to enjoy as a couple. It can be anything from practicing a particular sport or watching movies together. Pick one activity and commit to it. It’s important that you both make this part of your regular routine and most importantly, that you have fun and spend some quality time together.

5. They go in for a nice, long hug

When my husband gets home from work we hug for a good two to three minutes. It could be right when he walks in or after greeting our son and changing out of his suit. It’ll happen whether we’re upset with each other or not.

6. Mind your manners

After many years together, couples can forget their manners and stop doing little favours for each other. However, acts of kindness go a long way. Make tea, pick up a treat they like or help with a chore he or she hates doing.

7. They Express Gratitude

Thank you. Seriously, do you know how powerful these words are? They’re even more powerful when they are said directly to someone, with eye contact and no other distractions.

8. Say “I love you” at least once a day

This may sound obvious, but it’s fundamental to communicate how much your partner means to you on a regular basis. Saying how much you love and appreciate them in a significant way can bring you 2 even closer. It’s important to express yourself earnestly, as not to sound automatic or empty. Say it as if you mean it.

9. Limit Technology

In addition to speaking less often, though, another relationship changer may be turning off technology. We suggests putting your devices away when you get home, turning off the TV for at least one hour before bedtime, and finding at least 20 minutes a day to talk about something meaningful.

10. Support your partner’s hopes and dreams

A partner who doesn’t care about your dreams and goals is doing you a disservice. Happy partners care about each other’s hopes and plans, they ask questions and listen, they cheer each other on, and they are there when times are tough.

ThankYou! 😊