Use Custom Software Development Rather Than Readymade Software
Readymade software does not give the satisfaction or does not meet the functional needs of the organization. So, it is better to go for custom software development rather than readymade software. The custom made software is the one which is specifically designed to meet the particular demands and requirements of any organization.
Custom software development is unique in design and concept. The custom made software meets the special demands of the organization and it is very distinctive. Most of the time, custom made software is built by modifying pre-existing or readymade software. Then, the available software is re-organized, re-structured and re-engineered according to the client’s needs.
It is a complex process to convert developed software in a custom manner. Client should first explain his needs and requirement to the organisation which is going to design the software. The needs should be discussed in detail with the organisation. A contract should be signed between the organisation and the client and contract should include all the details regarding the custom software development such as time for production, cost, functionality etc.
Check whether the software will be made as a fresh one or will be re-modified one. If it is rebuilt then, there is another issue that should be discussed. Decide the type of security that the software is needed and make sure with the developing organisation that what type of security they will provide for the software. Apart from these clarifications, make technical aspects like the programming language used and other such things clear.