8 Most Dangerous Breeds Of Dogs In The World

8 Most Dangerous Breeds Of Dogs In The World

In the recent past, there have been many incidents in which pet or stray dogs have been seen attacking people and children. After which there is a lot of discussion about keeping animals especially dogs in the house. There are many such breeds of dogs, whose breeding is done for attack and protection, so it is obvious that they are angry by nature and attack strangers. But when you raise a dog, you also need to train it so that it can understand the difference between danger and ordinary people and obey you.

Apart from this, if you are thinking of bringing a pet dog home, do research thoroughly about the preferred breed. Read about him, what his temperament is like, how much he eats, what kind of environment is good for him, how he gets along with other animals and humans. Also don’t ignore training.

So let’s take a look at 8 such breeds of the world which are considered to be the most dangerous.

Pit Bull

Whenever it comes to the most dangerous breed of dogs, then the name of Pit Bull is at the top of it. This breed has been bred for hunting and fighting for generations, so it is not surprising that these dogs remain a threat today. Another factor that makes them dangerous is their massive body, strong jaws and killer instincts. Humans and other animals are nothing more than pit bulls. But still people believe that like other breeds of dogs, pit bulls will become the way they are kept.

American bulldog

Unlike British Bulldogs, American Bulldogs are quite powerful. The good thing is that they have not been overbred. When these powerful dogs attack, they become very dangerous.


Before the pit bull, the Rottweiler breed was considered the most dangerous. This breed can grow up to 25 inches in length and weigh 55 kg or more. This large-bodied dog is friendly as well as protective, but the protection is limited only to the family members.

Siberian husky

Siberian Huskies are powerful dogs that can have a powerful bite. Not only do they look like wolves, but you will be surprised to know that their actions are also very similar to wolves. This breed loves to hunt. Especially animals that are smaller than these, including humans, which can make them look like prey.

German shepherd

This breed of dog is often used in army and police forces. The reasons behind this are simple, German Shepherds are strong, intelligent, powerful and dangerous dogs, which can attack people fatally.


This breed of dogs is very interesting, because they are not agile in appearance, but their breeding is done to get the job done. Boxer has amazing energy. Their nature is also very protective and at the same time they become dangerous due to being powerful.

Doberman pincher

This breed of dog is easy to identify, their ears are erect, their back is straight and alert all the time. They are commonly used as guard dogs. “Pincher” is a German word, which refers to their habit of attacking and biting prey. This is another breed that was bred to attack for generations.


Devoted, alert and fearless, all of these terms apply to the Bullmastiff breed, and this is why they are so popular as pets. They will protect your home, but they may not like outsiders inside the house, so this behavior of the Bullmastiff will have to be corrected from childhood.