Best Marriage Remedies To Overcome Delay In Unmarried girls In 2023

Best Marriage Remedies To Overcome Delay In Unmarried girls In 2023

Astrology has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. Astrology calculates the past, present and future by looking at the horoscope. Marriage is also counted from this. According to astrologers, Guru and Venus are considered to be the factors of marriage in the horoscope. Guru is the factor of marriage of girls, then Venus is the factor of marriage of boys. The girls in whose horoscope the Jupiter is strong. They get married soon. On the other hand, being weak hinders marriage. Apart from this, many doshas also cause hindrance in marriage. Horoscope analysis is necessary for this. If there is an obstacle in your marriage too, then definitely do these remedies on Thursday.

So, here is when astrological remedies for delay in marriage in 2023 can help you. Let’s know-

  • Guru is the factor of marriage of girls. Devguru Brihaspati is worshiped on Thursday. Yellow color is very dear to Lord Sri Hari Vishnu. For this wear yellow clothes on Thursday.
  • According to astrologers, donate yellow colored clothes and yellow colored fruits to Brahmins and the needy on Thursday. This makes the Guru strong. For this, definitely do these measures on Thursday.
  • To get the blessings of Devguru Brihaspati, do fast on Thursday. Jupiter becomes strong by observing this fast. Along with this, Lord Sri Hari is also pleased. This leads to early marriage.
  • If Jupiter is weak in your Kundli, then offer water mixed with turmeric to a banana plant on Thursday. This makes the Guru strong. Keep a silent fast till you offer water to the banana plant.
  • Astrologers say that taking a bath with water mixed with turmeric on Thursday is beneficial. Jupiter becomes strong by doing this remedy. This removes all the obstacles coming in marriage.
  • Worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu, the goddess of wealth, on Thursday. At the same time observe fast for them. Do fasting on at least 11 Thursdays. By doing this remedy, the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi definitely shower on the person. This leads to early marriage.

8 More Astrological Remedies for Delay in Marriage 

As per the late marriage astrology, below are the remedies that can work towards achieving the marriage at an ideal time or with no more delay:

  1. Worship Maa Durga
    As per the delay in marriage astrology, if Rahu is the planet responsible for you being still single, you should often worship Goddess Durga to soon find your partner.
  2. Monday Fasting
    As commonly known, the 16 consecutive Monday fasting is a powerful solution for delayed in marriage, especially for girls. As per the late marriage astrology, girls should dress up well, worship God and perform Jalabhishek on the day of fasting.
  3. Feed the Cows
    As per the delay in marriage astrology, feeding cows helps to make your Mercury stronger. One of the remedies for overcoming delay in marriage is feeding the cows, especially with green grass or leafy vegetables.
  4. Gemstone Check
    Sometimes we do wear a gemstone casually, without knowing the impact it can cause. Hence, if you are wearing a gemstone, ask the astrologers in case it is having any side effects. Also, ensure wearing gemstones only after consultation with astrologers.
  5. Haldi-fy Your Diet
    Whatever your reasons for delay in marriage, as per astrology consuming haldi in your diet acts as a remedy for late marriage. You can consume it in milk, parathas, or daal, or add a pinch to your bathing water. After bathing, saffron and haldi tilak is also recommended.
  6. Recite Shiva and Paravati verses
    For early marriage, try reading the verses associated with Shiva and Paravati marriage from the Balkand of Ramcharitmanas. This must be done every day for desired benefits.
  7. Get a lock
    This one is an easy remedy that anyone who is finding it tough to get married can follow. All you need to do is buy a lock and keep it with keys under your pillow. Next morning, keep this lock and keys at an intersection. After keeping the keys, start to move forward. Make sure you don’t look back. 
  8. Donate White & Yellow Clothes
    A male facing a delay in marriage should follow this tip and donate (possibly new) yellow clothes on Thursday and white clothes on Monday, consequently for four weeks.