Happy Friendship Day 2023: Unique ideas to celebrate the day with your best friend

Happy Friendship Day 2023: Unique ideas to celebrate the day with your best friend

Friendship Day falls on 6th August, Sunday, this year. Apart from India, Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August in Bangladesh, UAE, Malaysia, and the US. The day celebrates the meaningful bonds that we share with our friends and how they bring joy and love into our lives. Friendship is one of the truest forms of human relations and is based on unconditional love, barring all kinds of societal barriers of caste, creed, colour, age, religion and ethnicity. Therefore, people take time out of their busy lives to show their friends how much they mean to them.

If you and your friends plan to celebrate Friendship Day, we have listed some ideas that can help you commemorate the day together and make each other feel special.
Make friendship bracelets

Make friendship bracelets

It may sound too cliché, but doing activities that evoke a sense of nostalgia will certainly help you create more memories. Friendship bracelets, during our school days, symbolized the connection between BFFs. So why not make these for your best friend, whether you met them in childhood or recently. There are lots of tutorials available online. Plus, it would be a great bonding activity.

Host a movie or tv marathon

There must be an ongoing show that you and your best friend binge-watch or a series that you both love to go back to for some comfort. This Friendship Day invite your best friend over, grab some snacks, fire up your TV, and let the magic begin. Don’t forget to order a takeout and binge on your favorite ice cream for dessert.

Plan to trip

Take some time off work or other commitments and plan a trip with your friends to celebrate Friendship Day. You can go for a short getaway in the mountains, go camping, visit the beach, hike up the scenic hills, and more. You can even plan a holiday to a place you have been longing to go with your friends and have a blast doing all the activities on your bucket list.

Go shopping

A little retail therapy will never hurt anyone! Head to your local mall or shopping center and treat yourselves to those clothes and accessories on your wishlist. Furthermore, buy each other a gift. Finally, don’t forget to stop for lunch at your favorite restaurant while you’re out.

Play the compliment game

Often we take the bond we share with our best friends. So, on Friendship Day, take the chance to show your best friend that they mean the world to you. Sit down with them and play the complement game, where you both list things you love about each other. You can alsopen down a letter to express the same

Plan a dinner party

Invite your friends over to your place to celebrate Friendship Day! You can make it fun by setting up a theme or a color and asking everyone to bring over plates or drinks accordingly. For example, assign different colors to your friends and ask them to prepare dishes, snacks, desserts or drinks in this shade.

Spend the day enjoying each other’s hobbies

If you want to improve your bond with your best friends, take an interest in their hobbies and spend quality time learning about them. Not only will your friend feel excited about sharing a hobby they enjoy, but they will also feel happy that you showed initiative. You can also plan to join classes on learning each other’s hobbies. For example, if you enjoy cooking and your friend enjoys crocheting, book a cooking and crocheting class.

So are you ready to celebrate Friendship Day?